
wagon equipment darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide
The Stagecoach is the main feature used for traveling.

The Stagecoach is a new mechanic that is featured in Darkest Dungeon 2, since the sequel to Darkest Dungeon now allows players to explore beyond the narrator's estate, they are now able to explore and travel to other locations and dungeons by using the Stagecoach. Apart from being a vehicle, the Stagecoach in Darkest Dungeon 2 can also be upgraded for it to obtain different effects that can help in the heroes' adventure. You can find relevant information, guides, trivia, upgrades, and more that are related to the Stagecoach.


Darkest Dungeon 2 Stagecoach Guide

  • The setting of Darkest Dungeon 2 goes beyond the Narrator's estate and highlights that your journey revolves around a "road trip". And what better way to travel is by using a Stagecoach. This is a traveling mechanic where the heroes of the game use to get from Point A to Point B. The Stagecoach does not only serve as a mode of transportation, but it can also be upgraded to imbue certain out-of-combat effects such as recovering HP, lowering stress levels, and more.
  • The goal is to travel from the starting area to the inn at the end of the route. There is no way to go and travel back, that is why you need to make decisions carefully.
  • The Stagecoach is your carriage, your coffin, and your confessional. To drive the coach forward. (Or double-tap [W] for auto drive.) Use [A] [D] or the [ARROW KEYS] to steer.
  • There is also a Stagecoach View. This shows what upgrades are currently installed on the coach. Upgrades can only be changed at the WAINWRIGHT, who is present at each INN.
  • Your Stagecoach is limited on how many items it can carry. Your shared inventory is split between all item types. Some items stack well, whereas others take an entire slot. Use the inventory TABS to easily see each item type. Some stagecoach upgrades increase stacking limits. 
  • If the Stagecoach becomes full, you may wish to discard less important items. [CLICK and DRAG] them off of the inventory window. Items cannot be sold anywhere, so throw away what you don't need. Discarding items earns a small amount of HOPE.


Darkest Dungeon 2 Torch Mechanics Guide

One of the most important parts of the Stagecoach is the Torch which is the narrative embodiment of hope in Darkest Dungeon 2. As you navigate the combat encounters, the darkness grows thicker. It is important to remember that making decisions during the adventure can increase or decrease the flame level of the Torch. Depending on what the flame level on the Torch is, it will ultimately impose combat effects on both the party of the player and the enemy raiders and ambushers.

The higher the level of the flame will result in positive effects for the party and more likely to get buffs and be advantageous in combat while having a lower flame level will mean the attacking enemies will have a high chance of getting stronger and have the advantage in battle and the party of the player will get penalized in combat through debuffs. From a practical standpoint, the higher the flame level, the stronger the player's team is, the lower the flame level, the enemies get tougher while the player's team gets weaker.

You can increase or strengthen the flame level by using combat items or passing by Assistance Encounters. The Assistance Encounters will bring your party face to face with the local populace who are in need of help and would often have valuable supplies to offer in return. Helping the locals is the best way to increase your flame level. You should always keep your flame level above 40 to maintain the high flame level.

Once the flame level gets below 40, things will start to get difficult for the player as battle modifiers will take effect that will be advantageous to the enemy team. When the flame level drops to 0 however, the player's team will be ambushed by fiendish cultists. And if the player survives the ambush, the expedition will continue with a tiny flicker of light.

Darkest Dungeon 2 Armor & Wheel Mechanics Guide

  • Both wheels & armor start at 3 with a max of 3
    • At max, Armor gives a 5% bonus Shield token chance on combat start
  • If they drop to 0 you MAY be randomly attacked by bandits and need to handle a Repair Encounter

Repair Encounter

Randomized Encounter with a high chance of Ghouls.

The goal of the Encounter is to defeat the enemies.

Each Round one of your characters will randomly be chosen to use their turn on a Repair action, which "fixes" the Stagecoach but there is no criteria to fulfill. It will continue indefinitely.

Darkest Dungeon 2 All Stagecoach Upgrades

Item Name Stagecoach Upgrade Effect
griddle stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Produces Flapjacks to heal characters in the Inn.
food barrels stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Food Barrels
Increases stacking for food.
shrine map stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Shrine Map
+100% scout chance for Forgotten Shrines.
trackers map stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Tracker's Map
+100% scout chance for Lairs.
storage trunk stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Storage Trunk
+4 inventory size.
crows nest stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Crow's Nest
+15% scout chance in all nodes.
strongbox stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Increases stacking for relics.
alembic and retort stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Alembic and Retort
Produces various concoctions and powders.
hoarder signal decoder stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Hoarder Signal Decoder
+100% Scout chance for Hoarder.
icebox stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Increases quantity of looted food.
medicine chest stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Medicine Chest
Increases stacking for Bandages, Antivenom, and Burn Salve.
mortar and pestle stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Mortar and Pestle
Produces Poultices.
pot and still stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Pot and Still
Produces Whiskey.
stew pot stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Stew Pot
Produces Invigorating Stew.
windchime stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Chance to Stress Heal a random hero each road segment.
worktable loom stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Worktable Loom
Produces Bandages and Nets.
chirurgeons mixing kit stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Chirurgeon's Mixing Kit
Produces restorative items.
leaf suspension stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Leaf Suspension
Reduces chance of Negative Banter.
trinket organizer stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Trinket Organizer
Increases chance of looting Trinkets.
telescope stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
+20% scout chance in all nodes.
medical equipment stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Medical Equipment
+20% Passive Healing Rate and also increases passive traveling Heal.
iron brazier stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Iron Brazier
Reduces passive traveling Flame drain.
tea service stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Tea Service
Increases chance of Positive Banter.
chirurgeons directory stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Chirurgeon's Directory
Effect TBC.
academics map stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Academic's Map
Effect TBC.
explosives magazine stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Explosives Magazine
Increases stacking for FIRE BOMBS, SMOKE BOMBS, and ICHOR BOMBS
jumbo storage trunk stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Jumbo Storage Trunk
Effect TBC.
bottle case stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Bottle Case
Effect TBC.
compress kit stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Compress Kit
Effect TBC.
tinkers bench stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Tinker's Bench
Effect TBC.
trapmakers kit stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Trapmaker's Kit
Effect TBC.
blueprint tubes stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Blueprint Tubes
Effect TBC.
assay gear stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Assay Gear
Effect TBC.
chirurgeons table stagecoach upgrade darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Chirurgeon's Table
+30% Traveling Heal.


Darkest Dungeon 2 Stagecoach Notes

  • Darkest Dungeon 2 Notes, Tips, and Tricks goes here
  • Constantly running over objects with the Stagecoach will provide you items you can either use in combat or at the Inn.
  • Be on the lookout for Watchtowers as it provides you with considerable information about the paths and locations you're planning to take as it reveals parts of the map that can help you make informed decisions.
  • Shrines of Reflection is where you unlock the backstories of your heroes and is limited to one hero per visit which means that you have a chance to unlock one of their eleven skills as well.
  • Try to pass by an Assitance Encounter every chance you get as it can help you increase your flame level.
  • The Stagecoach has a limited number of inventory slots, so consider upgrading your Stagecoach's slots by equipping Storage Trunk once you've reached the Inn.

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    • Anonymous

      please add description for Tinker's Bench
      Tinker's Bench:
      Before Each Location: Chance to produce Contraption items
      Increasing stacking for Contraptions by 2 per stack.

      • Anonymous

        Vine porque tengo la duda sobre la antorcha oscura, no me cuadra que sea un objeto aleatorio cuando primero gastas muchas velas por el y segundo se supone es para tener un estilo de juego difĂ­cil con mas recompensas

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