Stats in Darkest Dungeon 2 are the measurable values that make up how effective specific mechanics and skills are in the game, such as health, attack and defense stats. This page lists all available stats in the Darkest Dungeons 2 and what can be done to increase or improve these stats. This includes Items, traits, and Heroes types that directly affect stats and the conditions that change them throughout gameplay. 

Darkest Dungeon 2 Stats

health stat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px Health

Health is the main stat used by each character. It determines a characters vitality and will be the determining factor on whether a character or Hero dies in Combat. A character that is too low on health and reaches a vitality of 0 will find themselves on Death's Door. Any further damage has a chance to kill the hero depending on their DEATHBLOW RESISTANCE! Players must then use a helpful Combat Item or a healing skill to restore some of the hero's HP before the Heroes are finished off during Combat.


hero mastery points stat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px Mastery Points

Mastery Points are gained through Battles, Hero Shrines, Lairs battles, Completed tasks and missions. These points are used to upgrades the Heroes' Skills to make them stronger.  Gained Mastery Points are shown at the end screen after Victory. 

hero mastery points screen stat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px min (1)


Damage over Time

Damage over Time Damage is a stat that measures how affected Heroes are to these lasting effects. DOTs cause damage at the beginning of the combatant's turn until they expire or are cured. Many SKILLS or COMBAT ITEMS can cure DOTs. Each of these Damages have their own set of resistance stats that correspond to each effect. For example, bleed resistance determines how likely they are to receive bleed from bleed enemy attacks. The following damage types deal damage over time. 

  • bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Bleed (BLD): Bleed is a damage over time status effect that reduces HP at the beginning of the hero's turn.
  • blight token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Blight (BLGHT): Blight is a damage over time status effect similar to bleed that reduces HP at the beginning of the hero's turn. It is usually caused by poisonous attacks from opponents.
  • burn token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Burn (BURN): Burn is another damage over time status effect similar to BLD and BLGHT that reduces HP at the beginning of the hero's turn. It is caused by fire damage attacks and skills. 


Debuff Effects

Debuff effects in Darkest Dungeon 2 are negative states that can affect both Heroes and Enemies. These debuffs reduce the effectiveness of a character in combat, and put them at a disadvantage. The current list of debuff effects are listed below: 

  • stun token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Stun (STUN): A stunned character loses their ability to take an action next turn. Stun affects skill, item, and movement actions. Characters still take damage from DOT or other affects caused by their turn order.
  • move token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Move (MOVE): The MOVE debuff pushes or pulls a hero into a different position, changing party positions. This generally affects a character's ability to use certain skills. Some monsters can move multiple characters at once.
  • debuff token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Debuff (DBFF): A hero that has been affected with the debuff effect lowers one more of their stats or resistances.
  • disease token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Disease (DIS): Similar to Quirks, a disease can be a persistent effect which applies negative status effects or debuffs to the hero. Diseases can be cured by using certain consumables, trinkets, or by paying the nurse at the Field Hospital during your exploration.
  • death token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Death's Door (DTH): When a character is at Death's Door, they have 0 HP and have the possibility to die with one more attack or DOT. Characters at Death's Door have a -3 SPD penalty and weak token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20pxx2. Characters start with a 75% resistance to death when hit at Death's Door, and this percentage can change based on trinkets, quirks, or other attributes.  When a character takes damage at Death's Door and survives, their Death's Door resistance drops by 10% for that combat. This has a cumulative effect, making it easier for a character to die the more they are hit at Death's Door.


Hero Resistances

Hero Resistances are the available base stats of each of the Heroes in Darkest Dungeon 2. Since Weapon and Armor upgrades have been taken out of this title, Heroes now rely on their base stat resistances. These can be temporarily increased by consuming Inn items only at the inn, that grants resistance bonuses, by equipping Trinkets, having certain positive Quirks, and by using combat items during a battle.

  • bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Bleed (BLD): Bleed Resistance determines how likely they are to receive bleed from bleed enemy attacks.
  • blight token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Blight (BLGHT): Blight Resistance determines how likely they are to receive poison from blight enemy attacks. 
  • burn token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Burn (BURN): Burn Resistance determines how likely they are to be set on flame from fire/burn based enemy attacks. 
  • stun token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Stun (Stat) (STUN): Stun Resistance determines how likely the hero will be stunned from enemy attacks that have stun properties. 
  • move token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Move (MOVE): Move resistance determines how likely the hero can be moved or pushed into a different rank position from an enemy attack. 
  • debuff token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Debuff (DBFF): Debuff Resistance determines how likely the hero is affected by debuff effects such as reduced damage and accuracy.
  • disease token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Disease (DIS): Disease Resistance measures how likely the hero could contract a disease from an enemy attack that applies disease. 
  • death token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Death's Door (DTH): Death's Door Resistance indicates how the percentage chance a character can survive a damaging attack while at Death's Door.  

stress stat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px Stress

As stress mounts, a hero will become more irate and this increases the chances of NEGATIVE AFFNITY changes with other heroes. Try to keep stress low in order to promote a harmonious party. 

In Darkest Dungeon 2, stress no longer triggers a heart attack, but instead triggers a meltdown.

  • Meltdown: If a hero's STRESS bar fills up completely, that hero will suffer a MELTDOWN. When a hero experiences a meltdown, the hero suffers immediate AFFINITY loss with all other heroes. In some cases, the affected hero also loses HP. Other heroes also gain stress points from experiencing the meltdown. When the meltdown finishes, the affected hero's STRESS bar is reduced close to 0. Heroes may have multiple meltdowns in combat.

Stress is affected by various events and instances in the game. The two biggest causes of stress are enemy combat skills which give stress to heroes, and negative banter between heroes. However, there are many things that affect Stress, such as:

  • Fighting, and prolonged fights
  • Taking damage
  • Negative Quirks
  • Negative Trinket effects
  • Receiving Stress damage from enemies
  • Receiving Stress damage from other heroes (negative banter)
  • Lack of Light
  • Interacting with encounters that apply stress to the heroes


flame torch stat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75pxTorch Flame

The flame is a Stagecoach Stat in Darkest Dungeon 2. The flame level gets lower as you drive. The lower it gets, the harder things will be for the party. Some Trinkets and Skills are affected by a low Flame or high Flame Value and can grant effects based on flame size. Do not let the Flame expire. You can view the flame level by hovering the cursor over the wagon's torch.

When the FLAME gets below 40, things start to get significantly more dangerous for the heroes. Monsters get combat bonuses, and there are increased chances that BATTLE MODIFIERS will further increase the monsters' power. The waning flame also increases the chance that heroes will develop negative affinities with each other. Visit ASSIST ENCOUNTERS to raise the Flame, or use combat items that increase the torch level.

When the FLAME reaches 0, the heroes are ambushed by fiendish Cultists. If the heroes survive the fight, then the expedition will continue and the Flame will reset to 40.


loathing stat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px Loathing

Loathing is a new stat feature found in Darkest Dungeon 2. It is indicated in the top left corner of the screen. "Evil is overtaking the world, as shown by the LOATHING METER."  Higher loathing results in tougher conditions for the party. It also decreases  the chance at accumulating mastery points which are needed to upgrade Skills

  • LOATHING resets upon reaching every INN .
  • Loathing is reduced by winning fights at cultist, resistance, or lair encounters (Road battles don't count). 

 loath combat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 300px

affinity stat darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px Relationships & Affinity

Affinity is a stat measured between each of the Heroes in Darkest Dungeon 2. Each hero pair has an AFFINITY value which describes how positive or negative they feel towards one another. Affinity can become either a positive or negative stat which affects gameplay and combat.

Affinity is a constantly changing dynamic throughout the game. Heroes can affect each other's affinity through negative and positive banter during travel or in combat. Certain encounter choices can also positively or negatively affect affinity between heroes. There are also some INN ITEMS that can change affinity between heroes, granting a chance to boost positive or negative affinity levels.

If the affinity bar fills up in either direction, the two heroes will enter a RELATIONSHIP.

Positive relationships provide helpful boosts during combat, such as free healing, combo attacks, stress reduction, and other buffs. On occasion, heroes in a positive relationship may still provide negative banter or prevent actions (like acting out in jealousy). Positive relationships generally play a major part in keeping party stress levels low.

Negative relationships provide negative debuffs during combat, such as blocking hero actions, providing negative banter, and providing combat debuffs. These relationships can cause climbing stress levels and meltdowns.

Below are the types of relationship status that can be obtained in the game:

  • Neutral
  • Unfriendly
  • Envious
  • Hateful
  • Resentful
  • Suspicious
  • Tumultuous
  • Amorous
  • Hopeful
  • Inseparable
  • Respectful




Status Effects

Status effects are the lasting results of a combat interaction or skill. Status effects in this wiki are sorted as Buffs, Debuffs, Stealth, Unique and Special effects.

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