
occulist heroes portrait darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 250px

"Witness the infernal and blasphemous power of the void!"

health token character status darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 34 speed token character status darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 5
bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 30 move token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 20
blight token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 30 debuff token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 40
burn token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 40 disease token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 40
stun token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 20 death token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px 75

Occultist is a Hero (Class) in Darkest Dungeon 2. Heroes are the games main characters that players may select to create their party. A party will consist of four Heroes and depending on their personality type, will react uniquely to different circumstances. This also plays an important role on how the whole party interacts with any in-game events, circumstances and environments and how heroes may interact with each other, affecting their relationships and stress. Heroes will also each have their own set of Weapons, Armor, and Skills available to them and may develop Quirks overtime further affecting the dynamic of the game.


Darkest Dungeon 2 Occultist Information

The Recommended Team Rank Position, as well as the recommended enemy target are based on the default skills equipped by the Occulist hero class in Darkest Dungeon 2 upon starting a run and choosing the hero in your team's line-up. The recommended team rank position and enemy rank position target changes depending on the Skills you equip.

  • Recommended Team Rank Position: 3 or 4
  • Recommended Enemy Position Target: 3 or 4

Occultist Strengths

  • Back Rank
  • Ranged Dmg
  • Healer
  • Offensive Support


Darkest Dungeon 2 Occultist Hero Guide

The Occultist in Darkest Dungeon 2 act as a versatile support hero who can support the team, disorient enemies by changing their ranks or applying debuffs, and the Occultist class hero can primarily attack enemies who are at the back. He is highly recommended to be paired up with heroes such as the Man at Arms in order give him protection or the Plague Doctor class to heal him if needed since the Occultist class hero in Darkest Dungeon 2 has one of the lowest health and lowest damage out of the heroes roster. Despite this, he is best utilized to apply debuffs to the enemy team, as well as disorienting their ranks, and he can also be the team's secondary support hero to apply buffs and heal them. The Occultist class hero is recommended to be at the back ranks of the team's lineup.

His primary healing skill Wyrd Reconstruction is a powerful skill since it can heal up to 33% of HP and potentially save someone who is at Death's Door. As strong as it may look, this skill can sometimes work unfavorably and can sometimes turn the tides around, causing the targeted hero to bleed. His main melee skill is Sacrifical Stab which allows him to attack a single enemy target or even Abyssal Artillery to target two adjacent enemy units at the back ranks.

Although it has low damage, both skills have high percentage of CRIT chance, allowing his damage output to inflict CRIT Damage. Use this to your advantage, especially if it not needed to support your team or punish your foes with debuffs. As long as he is paired with at one or two support-tank heroes, and a primary DPS hero, the Occultist can be an extremely powerful member of the team who can use his dark powers to emerge victorious in any encoutner.

Who is Occultist in Darkest Dungeon 2? Since time began, it has been the folly of men such as the Ancestor. Many have sought it out, but those who discover the truth of this world's secrets have found the revelations too much to bear. The Occultist, however, has utilized that same knowledge to further his understanding of the eldritch. His pursuits in antediluvian apprehension have left his body fragile and weak, but it has made his mind sharp and his capabilities most versatile. From the back, he can channel his baleful energy to strike those hiding in the shadows or pull them forward, removing all filth from his presence. With his curses, he can expel a foe's strength or open them up for devastation.

His eldritch powers can rend the souls of even the most foul of beasts leaving them motionless, but at the cost of calling the ever-looming shadows closer. While mostly destructive, the Occultist can also use his profane powers to reconstruct flesh and heal wounds. This technique is powerful, but unpredictable as it may restore a man to perfect health or tear apart their flesh. At camp, he practices rituals and rites that can empower his allies and even bring them back from the brink of death, but many of these eccentric practices can leave both the Occultist and his companions troubled. The gate to hell is open, and this man will seal it away with the very power it gave him.

A lifetime of scholarly inquest into ancient and forbidden lore has opened the Occultist's mind to the powers of the void. Debilitating curses and maddeningly impossible support skills are his specialty. The void, however, is an unpredictable power, and consequently skills effectiveness can vary dramatically, and usually come at a cost of light, or stress. Scholarly robes, better suited to the library than the harsh realities of adventuring, are all the Occultist has brought with him. His rituals and chants require deft movements of hand and finger, so better he be unencumbered that he may channel the power of his morbid fetish: the polished skull of a dead man.

In the Early Access of Darkest Dungeon 2, the game starts off with four starting heroes such as the Plague DoctorMan at ArmsGrave Robber, and Highwayman. As for the Occultist hero class, he becomes available as you reach Profile Level 15. By doing this, players will need to gather Hope resources which is used to increase the profile level. Earning Hope is done by performing well on a run, and several factors increase it such as meeting certain goals of a journey you embark on, as well as winning enemy encounters. If you want to change your team lineup, you will need to abandon your current run and start a new one.

In Darkest Dungeon 2, heroes do not equip weapons and armor now, but instead upgrades and such now depend on unlocking more skills, mastering a skill, consuming items in the Inn to apply temporary buffs, by equipping Trinkets, and unlocking more skills via a Shrine of Reflection when you are "on the road" traveling - by choosing to reflect on the Occultist's past, this hero can unlock and learn more Skills.


Darkest Dungeon 2 Occultist Trinkets


Darkest Dungeon 2 Occultist Skills Guide

Sacrificial Stab: Sacrifical Stab is one of the base melee attack skills of the Occultist class in Darkest Dungeon 2. For the base effect of the Sacrifical Stab skill, it deals damage and applies the Unchecked Power token to the targeted. The Unchecked Power has a 33% chance per Token to apply burn token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px to the target at the start of each Round. This skill requires the Occultist hero to be positioned in front ranks 1, 2 or, 3, and can only target a single enemy unit in ranks 1-3 as well.

Abyssal Artillery: Abyssal Artillery is one of the basic melee attack skills of the Occultist hero class in Darkest Dungeon 2. Since the Occulist hero is best utilized at the back ranks of the hero's team, this skill is a must-have in his list of equipped skills. It damages enemies and has a normal CRIT chance rate, the Abyssal Artillery skill of the Occultist hero requires him to be positioned in back ranks 3 or 4 and can target two adjacent enemies at the same time who's positioned in the back ranks 3 and 4 of the enemy team.

Weakening Curse: This is an offensive debuff-support skill that can be used to weaken an enemy's attack. The skill can be used at any position rank the Occultist hero is on and it can only target a single enemy unit on any position rank, it also has a cooldown of 1 Turn before it reactivates. Triggering this skill applies the Weak Token that weakens the next enemy's attack by -50%. The Weak Token disables after attacking the targeted hero unit twice.

Wyrd Reconstruction: Wyrd Reconstruction is one of the strongest healing skill in Darkest Dungeon 2. The Occultist hero class can use this skill on any rank position he is on and can target himself or any singular hero unit. The Wyrd Reconstruction however, requires the target to have < 33% of HP and can only be used three times per battle encounter. Apart from healing between 0-33% of HP, it also has a 50% chance to backfire and apply the Bleed DoT effect Token for three turns.

Daemon's Pull: Dameon's Pull is a position disorienting and damaging skill that is used against a single enemy unit. This skill requires the Occultist hero to be positioned on team ranks 2, 3, or 4 and can only target an enemy that is at the back ranks 3 or 4. The skill can be used to damage and pull the target forward 2 ranks, as well as applying the Combo token. Or it can also be used to clear enemy corpses.

Vulnerability Hex: This is another debuff skill that is used against an enemy target. The Vulnerability Hex skill of the Occultist has a cooldown of 1 Turn before it can be used again and it is best used to not only remove enemies that are buffed with the Dodge token, but to also make them vulnerable that causes 50% more damage from a hero. It also ignores the dodge token that is activated, making the skill still work. This skill can be used on any rank position that the Occultist hero is on and can target any single enemy unit. (Requires the hero to reflect on his past via the Shrine of Reflection to learn this skill.)

Binding Shadows: An attacking skill that damages the targeted enemy unit, as well as causing the Occultist hero to move forward 1 rank and has a 50% chance to acquire the Unchecked Power token. Activating an Unchecked Power Token empowers the next skill used by the Occultist hero. The Binding Shadows skill requires the hero to be positioned on ranks 2, 3, or 4, and it can only target a single enemy unit that is positioned in enemy ranks 1, 2, or 3. (Requires the hero to reflect on his past via the Shrine of Reflection to learn this skill.)

Malediction: A low damage output skill attack but can inflict Dot Effect Tokens such as Bleed, Blight, or Burn for 1 turn. The skill can be used on whichever rank the Occultist hero is placed and can target a single enemy unit on any rank. The Malediction skill however requires the Occultist hero class to have at least more or equal to 2 tokens of the Unchecked Power token. (Requires the hero to reflect on his past via the Shrine of Reflection to learn this skill.)

Anamnesis: This is a unique powerful skill that can inflict the Bleed DoT effects to all enemy units. It has low damage, normal CRIT chance rate and requires the Occulist hero class to have at least more or equal to 2 tokens of the Unchecked Power token. (Requires the hero to reflect on his past via the Shrine of Reflection to learn this skill.)

The Burning Stars: Another unique skill of the Occultist requires the hero class to have at least more or equal to 2 tokens of the Unchecked Power token in order to best utilize The Burning Stars skill. It has high damage, high CRIT chance, it can also ignore enemies that are buffed with the Block Token and it also applies the Combo Token. (Requires the hero to reflect on his past via the Shrine of Reflection to learn this skill.)

Chaotic Offering: Chaotic Offering is a unique self-buff skill that increases his next damage by 15%, applies the Unchecked Power Token, obtains a random side effect, and at the start of the next turn, gains an additional Unchecked Power Token. This skill can be used on any rank position that the Occultist is standing on, but it requires the hero to have > 15% HP and has a cooldown of 3 rounds before it can be used again. (Requires the hero to reflect on his past via the Shrine of Reflection to learn this skill.)


Darkest Dungeon 2 Occultist List of Skills

In order to increase the effectiveness of a skill in Darkest Dungeon 2, a player must obtain Mastery Points (which is shared across the team) and use it to upgrade or master the preferred skill. Mastering a skill only requires 1 point per skill in order to increase its stats. Now how do I earn and use Mastery Points? Mastery Points can be obtained as a random reward from winning enemy encounters when you are on the road, after using a Shrine of Reflection, or by completing or meeting certain quest goals.

Mastering a skill in Darkest Dungeon 2 can only be done at the Inn and by visiting the Mastery Trainer, there, you can apply your Mastery Points to the skill that you want to improve, as well as resetting it and reapplying it to a different skill if you change your mind. Take note that you can only redeem or respec your spent Mastery Points before you embark on a journey.

Skill Name Skill Effect Mastery Skill Effect
sacrificial stab occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Sacrificial Stab

DMG: 3-6, CRIT: 15.0%

 unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20pxwhen target hit has combo token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

DMG: 4-8, CRIT: 20.0%

unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20pxwhen target hit has combo token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

On kill: unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

abyssal artillery occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Abyssal Artillery
DMG: 3-6, CRIT: 5.0

DMG: 4-7, CRIT: 10.0%

(25%) combo token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

stun debuff status effects darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px when Self unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px x2

weakening curse occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Weakening Curse

Skill Cooldown: 1 Turn

Target: Applies weak token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20pxx2

Skill Cooldown: 1 Turn

Target: Applies weak token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20pxx2, combo token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

Remove  critical token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

wyrd reconstruction occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Wyrd Reconstruction

Requires Target HP: < 33%

Target: Heal 0-33%, 50% chance to apply 3bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

Requires Target HP: < 33%

Target: Heal 0-50%, 50% chance to apply 2bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

daemons pull occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Daemon's Pull

DMG: 2-5, CRIT: 5.0

Target: Pull 2 ranks

Target Team: Clear Corpse

DMG: 3-6, CRIT: 5.0

Target: Pull 3 ranks

stun debuff status effects darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px when self unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px x2

Target Team: Clear Corpse

vulnerability hex occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Vulnerability Hex

Skill Cooldown: 1 Turn

Ignores dodge token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

Target: Applies vulnerable token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px Removes dodge token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

Skill Cooldown: 1 Turn

Ignores dodge token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

Target: Applies vulnerable token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20pxx2 Removes dodge token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

binding shadows occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Binding Shadows

DMG: 3-6, CRIT: 10.0

Self: Move Forward 1 Rank

50% Chance to acquire unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

DMG: 4-8, CRIT: 10.0%

Self: Move Forward 1 Rank

unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px when enemy has combo token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

50% Chance to acquire unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

malediction occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px

DMG: 1-2, CRIT: 5.0

Skill Requires Self to be unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px >=2

Target: Gain DoT Effects bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20pxblight token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px1, or burn token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px1 when hit.

DMG: 2-3, CRIT: 5.0

Skill Requires Self to be unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px >=2

Target: Gain DoT Effects bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px2 blight token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px2, or burn token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px2 when hit.

anamnesis occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px

DMG: 1-2, CRIT: 5.0%

Skill Requires Self to be unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px >=2

Target: Applies bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px3.

DMG: 1-3, CRIT: 5.0%

Skill Requires Self to be unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px >=2

Target: Applies bleed token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px4.

the burning stars occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
The Burning Stars

DMG: 8-16, CRIT: 10.0%

Skill Requires Self to be unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px >=2. Skill ignores block token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

Target: Applies combo token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

DMG: 12-18, CRIT: 15.0%

Skill Requires Self to be unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px >=2. Skill ignores block token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

Target: Applies combo token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px

chaotic offering occultist skill darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 75px
Chaotic Offering

Skill Coodlown: 3 Turns

Requires Self HP >15%

Self: Deals 15% HP dmg and gives unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px and random side effect

Buff: get unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px at the start of the turn (3 turns)

Skill Coodlown: 2 Turns

Requires Self HP >10%

Self: Deals 10% HP dmg and gives unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px and random side effect

Buff: get unchecked power token status effect darkest dungeon 2 wiki guide 20px at the start of the turn (3 turns)


Occultist Notes, Tips & Trivia

  • Other notes, tips, and trivia.
  • When Choosing a Hero, players will also be shown the ideal rank they would be most valuable in based on their skills shown in yellow. The Target indicators in red will also show the enemy positions they will likely be attacking. 

Occultist Hero Shrine

  • Chapter 1: The Ritual
    • This is a story shrine
    • Awards "Vulnerability Hex"
  • Chapter 2: A Door in the Desert
    • This is a story shrine
    • Awards "Binding Shadows"
  • Chapter 3: Some Parts Must Die
    • This chapter is a combat. You will lose this combat if you reach 0 health.
    • This fight plays out like a generic combat. You should focus on killing one enemy at a time.
    • As the fight progresses and enemies die, you get access to new abilities (including a heal).
    • Awards "Malediction"
  • Chapter 4: The Guest
    • This chapter is a combat. You will lose this combat if you reach 0 health or if the ritual behind reachs 10 stress.
    • This fight plays out like a generic combat. Kill the Dimensional Shambler while avoid the loss conditions.
    • The Shambler will attack you on occasion, so making sure the it is Weakened will help.
    • When the the ritual is low on stress, using Inner Strength to gain stacks of Unchecked Power is a good idea.
    • Use Mind Over Matter when you have too many DoTs.
    • Use Shifting Boundries when the ritual has combo.
    • Use The Burning Stars when you have two stacks of Unchecked Power.
    • The ritual will stress heal itself at the end of each round.
    • Completing this combat awards "The Burning Stars"
  • Chapter 5: ???



Darkest Dungeon 2 All Heroes
Bounty Hunter  ♦  Flagellant  ♦  Grave Robber  ♦  Hellion  ♦  Highwayman  ♦  Jester  ♦  Leper  ♦  Man at Arms  ♦  Plague Doctor  ♦  Runaway  ♦  Vestal


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